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- #!/bin/sh
- # Version 1.1
- # Store some stuff on a usb stick to avoid losing configs and updates when exiting pentoo
- # Copyright 2005 Michael Zanetta grimmlin@pentoo.ch
- BACK_UP="\033[1K\033[0G"
- NORMAL="\033[0m"
- WARN="\033[33;1m"
- BAD="\033[31;1m"
- BOLD="\033[1m"
- GOOD="\033[32;1m"
- PENTOODIR="/mnt/usbstick/pentoo/"
- DOFP=0
- EXIT=0
- source /sbin/functions.sh
- doe2fs() {
- dd if=/dev/zero of="${PENTOODIR}"$1.img bs=1M count=$2
- mke2fs -q -F -m 0 "${PENTOODIR}"$1.img
- }
- docpdir() {
- mkdir -p /mnt/$1
- mount -o loop "${PENTOODIR}"$1.img /mnt/$1
- cd /mnt/
- cp -a /$1 ./
- umount /mnt/$1
- rm -rf /mnt/$1
- }
- domount() {
- mount -o loop "${PENTOODIR}"$1.img /$1
- }
- parse_opt() {
- case "$1" in
- *\=*)
- echo "$1" | cut -f2 -d=
- ;;
- esac
- }
- dostuff() {
- if [ ! -e "${PENTOODIR}".pentoorc ]; then
- # Put the menus to ask the user
- : ${DIALOG=dialog}
- $DIALOG --timeout 20 --title "USB STICK FOUND" \
- --yesno "I just found a usb stick plugged in. \
- The Pentoo LiveCD allows you to put some stuff on a usb stick. \
- This stuff includes : /etc/ /root/ nessus_plugins ExploitTree \
- and fingerprints databases. \n\n\
- Is that your stick : ${DETECTED} ? \n\n\
- Please be sure to backup files on stick before doing this... \n\n\
- Do you want to copy some software to your key ?" 0 0
- case $? in
- 0)
- EXIT="0";;
- 1)
- EXIT="1";;
- 255)
- EXIT="1";;
- esac
- if [ "${EXIT}" -eq "0" ]; then
- tempfile=`tempfile 2>/dev/null` || tempfile=/tmp/soft$$
- trap "rm -f $tempfile" 0 1 2 5 15
- $DIALOG --item-help --backtitle "Pentoo Linux - Sticky USB Configurator" \
- --title "Software Checklist" \
- --checklist "You can select what software should be stored. \n\n\
- NOTE: /etc and /root are stored in ext2 FS file. Export \n\
- reports directly to /mnt/usbstick to read them in other OSes\n\
- WARNING: This script don't check for necessary space so \n\
- be sure of the space left on the device... \n\n\
- Press SPACE to toggle an option on/off. \n\n\
- Which of the following should be stored ?" 20 61 4 \
- "root" "Copy root to usb stick 10 MB" ON "This will store your configs and preferences" \
- "etc" "Backup system settings 15 MB" ON "This will store the system configs" \
- "ExploitTree" "Backup the Exploit Tree ~20 MB" ON "Allows you to keep SecurityForest's ExploitTree stored" \
- "nessus" "Nessus's plugins ~65 MB unregistered" off "You will be able to update and keep the plugins" 2> $tempfile
- retval=$?
- choice=`cat $tempfile`
- case $retval in
- 0)
- echo "'$choice' chosen.";;
- 1)
- EXIT=1;;
- 255)
- EXIT=1;;
- esac
- cut -f1-10 -d'"' --output-delimiter=' ' $tempfile > /tmp/soft
- SOFTWARE=`cat /tmp/soft`
- for x in ${SOFTWARE}
- do
- case "${x}" in
- root)
- ;;
- ExploitTree)
- ;;
- nessus)
- ;;
- etc)
- ;;
- fingerprints)
- DOFP=1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # this ends for Exit=0
- fi
- if [ "${EXIT}" -eq "0" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${PENTOODIR}"
- if [ "${DOROOT}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Copying /root to usbstick"
- doe2fs root 10 &>/dev/null
- docpdir root
- domount root
- sed -i -e '/screencfg/d' /etc/conf.d/local.start
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOETC}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Copying /etc to usbstick"
- doe2fs etc 15 &>/dev/null
- docpdir etc
- domount etc
- sed -i -e '/mnt\/etc/d' /etc/mtab
- sed -i -e '/kbdconfig/d' -e '/doptconf/d' /etc/conf.d/local.start
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOTREE}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Copying Exploit Tree to usbstick"
- mkdir -p "${PENTOODIR}"ExploitTree/
- cp -a /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree* "${PENTOODIR}"
- rm -rf /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree*
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"ExploitTree/ /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"ExploitTree.pl /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree.pl
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOFP}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Copying FingerPrints DB to usbstick"
- mkdir -p "${PENTOODIR}"fingerprints/
- cp -a /var/lib/fingerprints "${PENTOODIR}"
- rm -rf /var/lib/fingerprints
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"fingerprints/ /var/lib/fingerprints
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DONESSUS}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Copying nessus's plugins to usbstick"
- echo " This can take quite long on usb1 devices"
- mkdir -p "${PENTOODIR}"nessus/
- cp -a /usr/lib/nessus/ "${PENTOODIR}"
- rm -rf /usr/lib/nessus/
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"nessus/ /usr/lib/nessus/
- eend $?
- fi
- # Creating a "user profile" to store software options put on the stick
- mkdir -p "${PENTOODIR}"
- touch "${PENTOODIR}".pentoorc
- echo $SOFTWARE > "${PENTOODIR}".pentoorc
- # Syncing it to flush the drive
- echo -e " Syncing disk, this can take some time..."
- mount -o remount /mnt/usbstick/
- fi
- fi
- }
- CMDLINE="`cat /proc/cmdline`"
- # Scan CMDLINE for any specified stick= arguments
- for x in ${CMDLINE}
- do
- case "${x}" in
- stick\=*)
- DEVDIR=`parse_opt "${x}"`
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -z "${DEVDIR}" ]; then
- DEVDIR="/dev/sda1"
- fi
- # First, look at the size to prompt user
- DETECTED=`disktype "${DEVDIR}" | grep -e Volume -e system | sed -e 's/^ //' -e 's/(.*//'`
- # Check if if it's booted from usb stick
- ISRW=`mount | grep /mnt/cdrom | grep rw`
- if [ -n "${ISRW}" ];
- then
- PENTOODIR="/mnt/cdrom/pentoo/"
- dostuff
- exit 0
- else
- if mount "${DEVDIR}" /mnt/usbstick/ &>/dev/null ; then
- dostuff
- fi
- fi
- rm -rf /tmp/soft